Adam Lillee (B.Sc. OT)

Occupational Therapist

Managing Director

Adam has worked in the workers compensation injury management industry since 1996 with experience as a consultant, manager, staff trainer, staff mentor and student supervisor. Adam has worked as a private sector service provider in Western Australia and the Northern Territory with significant experience in the WorkCover WA, NT WorkSafe and Comcare systems. Adam has also worked as an in-house employer-based injury management consultant.

An Occupational Therapist by training, with an interest in ergonomics, Adam has significant experience in workplace injury prevention, physical and psychological injury rehabilitation and ergonomic assessment of workplaces across a broad range of industries, having approached rehabilitation situations from various perspectives. 

Adam has a thorough understanding of all aspects of the workplace rehabilitation sphere with significant experience as a private workplace rehabilitation provider, as an employer-based workplace rehabilitation provider, and as a manager, business owner and employer.

Close working relationships are of prime importance to Adam. These relationships create open communication lines, allow efficient plans to be set, enable issues arising to be identified early and actioned, create detailed awareness of the requirements of the customer (be it the injured worker, employer, insurer or medical practitioner), and often manage to make day to day interactions human, social, and easy.

Adam has completed Working Safely at Heights training, Helicopter Underwater Escape Training and Sea Survival training.

Adam facilitates the Injury Management Coordinator course developed by Edith Cowan University and delivered on behalf of Elect Training & Consulting (monthly). Adam also facilitates the Workers Compensation and Workplace Rehabilitation training module of the RACGP General Practitioner Registrar education program (bi-annually).