Natasha Dessauvagie (B.Sc. OT)

Occupational Therapist

Senior Injury Management Consultant

Natasha completed her degree in Occupational Therapy at Curtin University in 2005 and commenced work in the field of workplace rehabilitation as an Injury Management Consultant for an international rehabilitation provider in 2006. After two years of experience in the private sector where she gained an invaluable foundation of knowledge and skills working across both the WA Workcover and Comcare systems, Natasha moved onto a role in the public sector where she remained for 13 years providing a rehabilitation and consultancy service to a staff of over 8000. Natasha’s experience working in a large state government department honed strong interpersonal skills and developed a broad skillset to manage a vast array of both work related and non work related conditions, including cases involving a complex interaction of conditions from both domains. Additionally, Natasha has extensive experience managing the rehabilitation of both physical injuries and psychological conditions.

Natasha firmly believes in the value of developing strong relationships with, and maintaining early and regular communication with workers, employers, insurers and treating practitioners in order to establish an effective and achievable return to work plan.

Using her extensive experience in workplace rehabilitation in both the private and public sectors, Natasha has also undertaken the role of a Tutor at Edith Cowan University for the School of Occupational Therapy specialising in Workplace Rehabilitation.