Redeployment Services

If an injured worker is unable to return to their pre-injury position as a result of their injury or illness, the redeployment process will be commenced, with medical support.

Fluid Workplace Rehabilitation uses the contracted services of Mr John Alessandrini, Registered Psychologist, of Grow Well Psychological Services for the provision of vocational assessments and vocational counselling. John has approximately 20 years of psychological service and case management service provision within the Western Australian workers’ compensation system. The vocational assessment is used to identify appropriate vocational redeployment options for the rehabilitating worker.

Identified redeployment options are put to the treating medical practitioner for approval before suitable redeployment avenues are pursued. This may include labour market research, short course training, work placement, job search assistance, resume development, and application and interview skills sharpening. If required, psychological services will be contracted to assist with barriers such as apprehension about the redeployment process or adjustment counselling assistance, and experienced vocational counsellors contracted to assist with technical aspects of the redeployment process such as developing a professional resume, upskilling in writing job applications, and honing job interview skills.

Fluid Rehab aims to assist rehabilitating workers transition through the difficult process of redeployment by identifying realistic, meaningful employment options, providing support as required during the process, and working with the injured worker to determine a manageable and sustainable vocational redirection. 

Please contact Adam on the details below if you would like further information about these services.