Manual Task / Functional Anatomy Training

Manual task training / functional anatomy training provides staff with increased knowledge about the structure and mechanics of their bodies and how to look after these human components in physically demanding and physically active, mixed active and sedentary, and sedentary roles. Different risks are associated with different types of work, for example the higher risk of strain and sprain-type injuries in physically demanding roles, compared to the risks associated with sustained postures in sedentary roles or overuse injuries in performing repetitive tasks.

This training can be tailored completely to the requirements of the organisation and the audience. The training always has a thorough foundation in anatomy and relevant body mechanics,  transitioning into the theory of manual task performance from a biomechanical perspective, before moving into the practical aspects of performing manual tasks safely.

The training is customised to the target audience. For example, a manual handling (lift, pull, push, carry etc.) focus for physical workers, or a postural awareness and postural management focus (positioning, managing repetition, stretching program) for sedentary employees. Questions are always encouraged. A site-based component (walk-around) can be undertaken at the end of a session to allow participants to ask specific questions related to aspects of the tasks performed in their role.

All participants are provided with a comprehensive manual as part of the education program.

Please contact Adam on the details below if you would like further information about this service.