Return to Work Services

Fluid Rehab will guide the injured worker in the return to work process. Leading up to a return to work, Fluid Rehab will ensure that all appropriate and required treatment services are being provided to the injured worker to achieve the quickest functional recovery possible. At the appropriate stage in recovery a tailored return to work program will be developed in conjunction with injured worker, the treating medical practitioners and allied health team. The program will be monitored, upgraded as appropriate, and progressed through to a return to pre-injury duties. It’s a straight forward process with knowledge of the employee’s role, the injury and the injury recovery process and the assistance available through the workers' compensation system.  The Consultant's knowledge and experience,  meshed with clear communication and a well organised, structured and suitably flexible return to work program will assist the injured worker achieve their rehabilitation goals.

Services that may be used to achieve a successful return to work include:

  • Initial Needs Assessment

  • Worksite Assessment – assessment of the physical demands of pre-injury and potentially suitable graduated duties

  • Medical and allied health liaison, including meeting with medical practitioners if required

  • Return to work program development, implementation and monitoring

  • Ongoing case management

  • Case conference between key parties

Please contact Adam on the details below if you would like further information about these services.